XPRIMER.PAYROLL A state-of-the-art HR and payroll systemcombining on a single platformall HR processes A state-of-the-art HR and payroll system combining on a single platform all HR processesXPRIMER.PAYROLL XPRIMER.PAYROLL – efficient and reliable handling of payroll and HR processes Personnel and payroll management is one of the fundamental processes taking place in every organisation, using information […]

Recording and logging of working time – XPRIMER.TNA

XPRIMER.TNA Digital registration of time and attendance streamlining work organisation Digital registration of time and attendance streamlining work organisationXPRIMER.TNA XPRIMER.TNA – efficient online Time & Attendance Registration According to labour legislation, every employer is obliged to keep a record of the working time of its employees. Thanks to the introduction of a modern solution such […]

Electronic Personnel Files XPRIMER.EPF

XPRIMER.EPF Quick and simple digitisationof employee documentsin the form of an e-file Quick and simple digitisation of employee documents in the form of an electronic personnel fileXPRIMER.EPF XPRIMER.EPF – secure and complete HR documentation in one place To handle HR processes efficiently, more and more companies are deciding to keep employee records in electronic form. […]

XPRIMER.IoT – data collection

XPRIMER.IoTImplement full shop floor digitisationXPRIMER.IoTEstablish remote supervision of the machinery XPRIMER.IoTTransform data from machines into business informationXPRIMER.IoTDevelop your business based on Industry 4.0 XPRIMER.IoT – smart manufacturing within Industry 4.0 XPRIMER.IoT (Internet of Things) is a collection of tools for the exchange of information in a shop floor between sensors, devices, machines, controllers, databases and […]

XPRIMER.TRC – traceability

XPRIMER.TRCEnsure constant quality of your productionXPRIMER.TRCMeet your customers’ high demandsXPRIMER.TRCBrand yourself as a trusted supplierXPRIMER.TRCTrack and trace a product through every stage XPRIMER.TRC – digital control of the product in accordance with traceability requirements XPRIMER.TRC (traceability) allows you to record the relationship between manufactured products and consumed materials in your production process. This enables a […]

XPRIMER.CMMS – maintenance management

XPRIMER.CMMSImprove your plant availabilityXPRIMER.CMMSPlan and control the maintenance activitiesXPRIMER.CMMSManage your maintenance records in one single place XPRIMER.CMMSEffectively manage your employees even from mobile devices XPRIMER.CMMS – much more than just support for the maintenance department XPRIMER.CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management Systems) is a specialised tool designed to ensure the reliability and availability of a company’s resources […]

XPRIMER.MES – real time production monitoring

XPRIMER.MESOne-stop production managementXPRIMER.MESReal-time OEE monitoringXPRIMER.MESEfficient information flowXPRIMER.MESOptimising the use of production resources XPRIMER.MES – key production data available online XPRIMER.MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a reliable solution for mapping real manufacturing incidents, providing reliable information, assisting in making correct decisions. Combining the digital world with the physical world of manufacturing, XPRIMER.MES provides holistic production management […]

ASPROVA APS – advanced production planning


ASPROVA APSChoose the system supporting Lean ProductionASPROVA APSMake real-time production decisionsASPROVA APS Increase your flexibility facing the market changesASPROVA APSReflect all process limitation in your production plan ASPROVA APS – a solution for problems with production planning and scheduling ASPROVA APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) is a specialised system designed to improve production management processes, […]


XPRIMER.HCM XPRIMER.HCM is a system that supports and improves processes related to human capital management (including recruitment, training, employee development, employee evaluation and incentive programmes). It will help you make full use of the potential of your team, both current and future. What benefits can you enjoy? duration of recruitment process reduced by 56%  improved onboarding process for […]


XPRIMER.HRM XPRIMER.HRM supports activities related to planning, record keeping and the settlement of work time. It helps improve internal communication. It will help you create correct and effective plans much faster. You will automate the processes of record keeping, settlement, granting bonuses and budgeting. And above all, you will never have an employee missing at a given […]


XPRIMER.ECM XPRIMER.ECM is a module responsible for efficient document flow and workflow in the company. It will help you reflect all internal processes, define the documents flow, indicate persons responsible for the performance of specific tasks and you will consciously control the flow of information throughout the company. Thanks to XPRIMER.ECM you know exactly where the process […]


DCIx DCIx is a solution that enables comprehensive supply chain management, both internally and globally. You will be able to monitor the flow of raw materials, finished products and work in progress in real time. By using it you will have instant access to your data thanks to working online. What benefits can you enjoy? elimination of […]