Quick and simple digitisation
of employee documents
in the form of an e-file

Quick and simple digitisation of employee documents in the form of an electronic personnel file

XPRIMER.EPF - secure and complete HR documentation in one place

To handle HR processes efficiently, more and more companies are deciding to keep employee records in electronic form. With an electronic file solution within the XPRIMER platform, you will ensure the required level of security for storing files, easy access to them and reduce administrative handling costs.

Administering the Electronic Personnel Files in XPRIMER is:



enabling employees to access documents anytime, anywhere via a browser.

e-teczka - wygodna obsługa dokumentacji pracowniczej


ensuring that new documents can be quickly added to folders and easy access to them.

e-teczka - dokumentacja zgodna z przepisami

Legally compliant

by organising documentation in chronological order, consistent numeration and unified structure.



thanks to features enabling easy searching for documents.

e-teczka -  transparentna


by access control to files and by recording all operations that manipulate employee files.

e-teczka - dopasowania

Adaptable to the company

by providing the possibility of completing files with company-specific documents.

Streamline the HR processes in your organisation, increasing security and convenience for your team.

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What are the benefits of an XPRIMER Electronic Personnel Files?

Cost optimisation

Digitalising files means eliminating the costs of maintaining a company archive or avoiding the services of external companies specialising in document storage.

Data security

The ability to easily perform backups and increase protection against data loss improves the security of your organisation’s operations.

Process automation

By eliminating the need for repetitive and time-consuming tasks, the system streamlines HR processes.

Time saving

The electronic personnel files contain the complete employee records, which can be accessed with just a few clicks.

Lower error risk

The system verifies the data entered, informing of missing or unsigned documents.

Reduced paper footprint

Keeping records in the form of an electronic files builds a positive corporate image based on a paperless approach.

See how the XPRIMER Electronic Personnel Files work in practice

Contact us and arrange a meeting, during which we will present how XPRIMER.EPF works.

Explore the functionalities of XPRIMER Electronic Personnel Files

Dokumentacja pracownicza i wyeliminowanie akt osobowych w formie papierowej to oszczędność również w zakresie prowadzenia firmowego archiwum i nowe możliwości pracy zdalnej

Manage your employee files from one place

According to the legislation, the Electronic Personnel Files consist of Part A (documents gathered in relation to the application for employment and medical referrals and examinations), Part B (documents related to the establishment of the employment relationship and the employee’s employment history, also documents on remote work), Part C (documents related to the termination or expiry of the employment relationship), Part D (warnings, penalties, reprimands) and Part E (documents related to the control of sobriety or for the presence of other agents acting similarly to alcohol).

At the same time, the user may specify additional documents which he or she wishes to include in the folder, e.g. applications, approvals and statements related to the employment of a given employee concerning, for example, records of working time, annual leave, salaries and other benefits. It may also include records of the assignment of work clothing and footwear.

Streamline HR processes in your organisation

The Electronic Personnel Files are created for each employee individually. Documents are loaded from the local disk or from the database. Once assigned to the relevant section, selected documents can be linked to other documents (e.g. medical referral with a list of medical examinations). This makes it easier to search for specific information. An authorised user can view documents and add further documents at any time. When browsing through documents, one can select e.g.: all Part A documents for all employees or all Part A documents only for a selected employee or a specific type of document for one employee or a group of employees.

At the same time, the system provides the possibility to set up automatic notifications about missing or electronically unsigned documents in the personnel file.

Elektroniczne akta osobowe tworzone są dla każdego pracownika indywidualnie.
System przechowuje pełną historię wprowadzanych zmian w dokumentach, zgodność z RODO

Ensure the highest security standards

XPRIMER provides full online access to employee records for the HR Department and, where appropriate, individual lines managers, provided they have been given the appropriate permissions, determining the level of access. The system keeps a full history of changes made to documents.

XPRIMER.EPF also allows removal of data after the expiry of the retention period and, if justified, the extension of the retention period for a given file. Signing of documents attached to the electronic personnel file can be done either as a group for all documents or individually. A qualified or trusted signature is required, and after signing, the system verifies the accuracy of the signature and displays a message confirming the signature status. In order to streamline the workflow, XPRIMER.EPF allows multiple signatures to be placed on a single document.

Increase your team’s efficiency

XPRIMER.EPF enables to eliminate repetitive and time-consuming activities and streamlines, among other things, the issuing of employee documentation. It may be provided to employees and authorised bodies in both paper and digital form.

The electronic documentation copy contains the employee’s data and information concerning the electronic signature with which the items were signed. Importantly, it is possible to release either the entire file or selected documents by selecting them with a few clicks in the user panel.

e-teczki podpis elektroniczny
elektroniczny obieg dokumentów związanych z zatrudnieniem

Gain permanent access to data

With a browser and mobile app, the XPRIMER platform offers HR staff constant access to company resources.

The Electronic Personnel Files allows several people to work with the same documents at the same time, and employee self-service streamlines the electronic workflow of employment-related documents.

See how the XPRIMER Electronic Personnel Files work in practice

Contact us and arrange a meeting, during which we will present how XPRIMER.EPF works.

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