Employee Portal
providing intuitive and efficient
employee self-service

Employee Portal providing intuitive and efficient employee self-service

XPRIMER.HRM - easy and fast internal communication within the Employee Portal

Proper employee communication increases productivity and employee satisfaction and ensures that tasks are carried out accordingly. The use of employee self-service in internal communication further streamlines HR processes, reinforces positive Employer Branding and addresses the needs of a new generation of employees towards modern working tools.

The Employee Portal at XPRIMER.HRM enables access to key employee information anywhere and anytime via a web browser, employee kiosks and a dedicated mobile application.

Self-service in the Employee Portal within XPRIMER.HRM is:

CMMS - bezpieczeństwo pracy

Intuitive and convenient

streamlining key activities through a user-friendly interface on the web browser, employee kiosks and mobile app.


providing dedicated and personalised access by logging in with a badge, card reader or using biometrics.


enabling the submission of requests, verification of holiday plans, rosters, T&A registration, downloading of pay slips, tax declarations, etc.


automatically synchronising employee data and requests with the HR process system.


Tailored to the company

taking into account the specific characteristics of the company, its processes and the needs of its employees.

In line with trends

supporting remote working, with flexible working hours, relieving the HR department of administrative work.

Streamline the work of the HR Department and increase the level of employee satisfaction by self-service in the Employee Portal at XPRIMER.HRM

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What are the benefits of the Employee Portal at XPRIMER.HRM?

Cost reduction

Reducing the number of administrative activities and the time required for them optimises the costs of handling processes and increases the efficiency of the HR department.

Improved communication

Direct access to all relevant information for the employee, the ability to track the status of requests and a notice board, as well as a powerful search engine, improves the flow of information within the company.

Employee Experience

Enabling employee autonomy and immediate access to always up-to-date data and documents means higher levels of employee satisfaction.

Data integration

Using the built-in employee self-service functionality within the HR management platform allows for a more streamlined data collection process.

Data security

Eliminating paper documentation reduces the time and cost of process execution, minimises the risk of lost documents and increases the level of data security.

Standardising processes

The Employee Portal supports work in organisations with distributed structures and multi-company entities, helping to standardise procedures and processes.

See how XPRIMER.HRM works in practice

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Explore the functionalities of the Employee Portal within XPRIMER.HRM

Portal pracowniczy dostępny z poziomu przeglądarki, tableta czy telefonu komórkowego

Provide employees with convenient access to information

XPRIMER provides online access to key information via a web browser, employee kiosk and dedicated mobile app. The interface of the portal can be personalised according to the needs of the users and the organisation.

Employee kiosks, popular where there is limited network coverage or there are restrictive sanitary requirements (e.g. food or pharmaceutical industries), most often take the form of touch-screen panels, which are accessed by logging in with access data, by applying T&A cards or by using biometrics.

The mobile app enables employee self-service directly from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet). The user can access information and applications not only from anywhere – but also at any time.

Streamline request processes

Employee self-service includes the possibility of submitting requests, e.g. for holidays, overtime, private or business trips, remote working, or requests for necessary certificates and documents, as well as requests for materials necessary for work. Employees can download their pay slips or TAX declarations at any time and from any place (generating a confirmation for the HR Department that the declarations have been downloaded). They can also see their work schedules, the balance of hours worked in a given pay period, T&A readings, the available amount of leave.

The system offers the possibility to define lists of requests and assign them to the relevant groups of employees.

Requests are automatically sent to the relevant persons in accordance with the defined path of the circulation of documents and requests.

Portal pracowniczy na kiosku pracowniczym do samoobsługi pracowniczej
portal pracowniczy - obieg dokumentów

Transparently manage your request approval processes and document workflows

XPRIMER allows you to freely define the document workflow and acceptance path, reflecting your company’s processes.

By default, once a request is submitted in XPRIMER, it goes to a supervisor or a person defined in the request acceptance process. The supervisor can accept or reject the request of the employee, who receives feedback on the status of the request.

If the execution of the request requires the action of other people, it is sent further according to the defined path, and the employee has an overview of the different stages of execution.

Support managers

At XPRIMER, the Employee Portal panel intended for managers is expanded with more functionality. In addition to accepting or rejecting requests, supervisors have control over their subordinate employees by viewing data on planned and completed holidays, absences (excused, unexcused), overworked and underworked hours, etc.

Managers use the Employee Portal to conduct periodic or annual appraisals. It also has the ability to create statements and reports for business analysis.

A system of automatic notifications and messages reminds employees of expiring medical examinations or training (including health and safety).

automatyzacja procesów HR w portalu pracowniczym
Program umożliwia pracownikom przeglądanie danych dotyczących zatrudnienia pracowników (w tym kalendarzy osób nieobecnych, płatników i list świadczeń

Automate time-consuming and labour-intensive activities

XPRIMER supports the organisation in automating and streamlining HR service processes. Thanks to the employee self-service functionality, it is possible, for example, to handle business trips, starting with the creation of a business trip order or submission of a business trip request, through the approval process, and ending with the settlement of the business trip and linking all settlement documents to it.

The data entered by the employee for settlement, after approval by the superior, are automatically transferred to the HR and payroll system

Choose convenient and effective internal communication

XPRIMER guarantees easy and fast internal communication, thanks to a bulletin board and a powerful search engine.

On the bulletin board, the user can very quickly raise issues of interest and indicate persons to be discussed thanks to quick abbreviations (e.g. @JanKowalski), and thanks to the powerful search engine, an employee will find the information he or she needs in a matter of seconds. This could be contact details of other employees or access to up-to-date document templates, instructions, internal regulations.

Portal pracowniczy ułatwia i wzmacnia ich komunikację z podległymi departamentami – szczególnie w większej spółce korporacyjnej lub wielobarierowej. Portal pracowniczy zapewnia łatwy i wygodny dostęp do zapytań i informacji administracyjnych.

See how XPRIMER.HRM works in practice

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