The HR management revolution: How automation is changing HR

Every day, when we use an ATM instead of a cashier at the bank or when we check in at the airport by ourselves using an automated booth, we witness how technology is replacing human labour. As artificial intelligence becomes part of our daily lives, we all think about one thing – how the job […]
Smooth changeover to digital production

In today’s dynamic business environment, the implementation of an IT system is not only a key success factor, but is also becoming an essential tool that enables the operation of an organisation. Choosing the right IT implementation company becomes an extremely important part of this process. When it comes to digital transformation, it is crucial […]
When ERP is no longer sufficient for personnel management

ERP systems have been gaining popularity for more than a decade as the main tool used by companies to manage various areas of their business such as finance, manufacturing, logistics or sales. Most ERP systems are also equipped with HR and payroll modules, which allow to keep records of employment, maintain employee records, simple time […]
How to increase energy efficiency in production through proper production planning and recording?

Energy efficiency improvement is not a new topic, but – despite significant improvements over the last decade – the Polish economy is still one of the most energy-intensive in the European Union. Therefore, problems with rising energy prices affect practically all entrepreneurs. According to the EY study ‘Companies facing rising energy prices’ (carried out in […]
What can OKR do for HR?

Quite a lot has been written about HR analytics being one of the essential tools in improving the employee experience. By using data to assess employee satisfaction, engagement and performance, organisations can identify areas where employees are struggling or dissatisfied and take corrective steps to create a more positive, engaging and supportive work environment. Analytics […]
Actually, why do we need an MES?

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) have been around for almost two decades, so they are no longer something new. They emerged as a natural recognition that computer technology could be integrated with mechanical engineering to produce more, faster, more efficiently and with higher quality than ever before. Sound trivial? No more than the question ‘why the […]
Welcome to the world of post-pandemic HR

Recent events have shown that it is no longer enough to simply adapt to change, but to do so at an unprecedented pace. Indeed, it is no longer enough to simply manage staff, but processes must be optimised to respond quickly in a dynamic environment. This change also requires a different approach to the role […]
Where to find savings in managing a group of companies? Case study

Currently, we are often faced with a process of concentration of multiple entities within a single group, which involves numerous challenges, including the realisation of two seemingly irreconcilable needs. On the one hand, there is the need to ensure central, efficient management of the group and, on the other, to maintain the ability to manage […]
Traceability – how to increase competitive advantage?

As consumer research shows, the ability to verify a product and its transparency has recently become a desirable feature for customers. They no longer only pay attention to where the finished product comes from, but under what conditions it was produced, from which semi-finished products and by whom. Generation Z is playing an increasingly important […]
How the XPRIMER.CMMS mobile app supports the work of maintenance services

The correct flow of information is a key element in any company – no matter where we are in the organisation and no matter what process we are talking about. Whether in the production cycle or any other, the basis of an organisation’s operations is the availability of information and its efficient exchange. Communicating all […]
Business management: what does the traceability module change in the MES system?

It has recently gained popularity among medium and large enterprises to collect data on the functioning of the organisation at various levels. This is information concerning accounting, production, sales, purchases and internal processes taking place in companies. In short, huge amounts of data entered in many places, which are in fact collected art for art’s […]
Traceability: a fashionable gadget or a necessity?

Traceability, the genealogy of a product, the possibility to follow it through the manufacturing process, which enables the control of data flow about it. We know that this is a useful functionality which allows us to determine the composition of the product, used in systems that have an impact on the management of raw materials, […]