MES: what should you pay attention to when you select it?

Wybieramy dobry system MES

A good MES can take the production process to another level. Its implementation in an organisation is one of the simplest ways to effectively manage the company’s resources. As it enables continuous monitoring of production and obtaining specific information about it, it influences the flow of the entire process and ultimately a noticeable increase in company […]

Communication in business processes

Rola komunikacji w procesach biznesowych

Effective communication is a key element of the strategy at any company. Moreover, it is a challenge that all businesses in the market have to face nowadays. It does not matter whether it concerns the environment and image, management of change, crisis situation, employer branding or the coordination of current operations in several business processes. […]

Production scheduling and energy consumption

Planowanie produkcji a energia elektryczna

Production scheduling and energy consumption Many of you may be struggling with the high costs of energy and other utilities such as gas, process water or steam. Have you ever wondered how good production scheduling affects the unit costs of energy consumption? Can production planning reduce energy, gas or water consumption costs? In many production […]

Production planning as an official order

System APS w planowaniu produkcji

Many times, I have encountered a situation where workers in production told me what the production schedule should look like on their machine. They argued that the sequence could be planned differently, thus reducing the number of changeovers. They pointed out that such a schedule limits the throughput of their machine. And what did they […]

Is this the end of presentism and the beginning of absenteeism?

We present a new series of articles! We will indicate negative phenomena that may be forgotten due to the changes forced by the lockdown. We will also discuss those that are replaced by new ones, not yet known to us. In the next parts of the series, we will cover, among others, the topic of […]

Technological data in the production management process

Zarządzanie produkcją a dane technologiczne

Working in various production companies, I often encountered the statement that “the system is malfunctioning”. Usually, it was about a demand for raw materials incorrectly generated, raw materials for release incorrectly prepared, production station overloaded or order costs incorrectly calculated. To explain these and many other similar anomalies, it was rarely necessary to launch an […]

TMC in the Kaizen philosophy

Techniczny koszt wytworzenia a planowanie produkcji

“Continuous improvement of a process is essential for success”: every person involved in the organisation of work in manufacturing companies has come across this statement at least once. The implementation of Kaizen and the resulting positive revolution only confirm the validity of this thought. Let us consider: what might the process of calculating the Total […]

Production planning in maintenance: APS vs. CMMS

planowanie produkcji a utrzymanie ruchu

An essential part of the work of those involved in production planning and scheduling is the collection of information. It is acquired through various channels, not only from one department. No one needs to be convinced about the necessity of data exchange with procurement, production or technology. It may seem that the maintenance department plays […]