AI w systemie XPRIMER

Artificial intelligence in XPRIMER

We can say it officially: the Silesian Centre for Entrepreneurship has subsidised our R&D project, The development of an internationally innovative, adaptive IT system for production and HR process management, based on mechanisms of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The abbreviated name of the project is Artificial Intelligence in XPRIMER.

XPRIMER in the world of AI

The Artificial Intelligence in XPRIMER (in Polish, Sztuczna Inteligencja w Xprimer, or SIX) involves the work of users in IT systems. It consists of two main elements, a series of studies on user behaviour and the process of developing an adaptive interface that, through machine learning mechanisms, will adapt to the needs. The solution will be part of the XPRIMER platform. It will serve to automate, optimise and target prediction as well as actions of users.

Artificial Intelligence in XPRIMER: project phases

The project will be implemented in several stages. The first of these includes developing user profiles with characteristics recognisable by the system, which will be collected through observations and customer surveys. The second stage will lead to standardisation of the main human interactions with the interface, for example, within the request process.

This will result in a list of standard interactions that can be further optimised. Based on these, we will prepare assumptions for the new interface.

Stage three is the design of an adaptive interface and learning mechanisms based on the interactions and persona features. Activities will focus on two areas: the interface, which will be built from scratch; and data processing, where mechanisms will predict the user’s preferred working style.

The next three stages are, respectively, a test launch in EQ, a test launch on customer data and a production launch in EQ of the overall solution. There is a real chance that there will also be a production launch at selected customers in the short term, as the project is scheduled to be completed during the period of work on Version 6.0.

SIX will allow us to:

  • reduce administration costs: the entire back-office supported by an optimised system that learns from users’ work will work more efficiently;
  • identify competence gaps among system users through machine learning analytics;
  • reduce significantly data entry time owing to even the slightest prediction;
  • increase efficiency of users in management processes owing to working on systems tailored to them;
  • reduce the total cost of customer implementation and support of the IT solution thanks to such features as its self-adaptation ability (according to the data collected).

We are starting work on the project as the whole company enters the development process of Version 5.0. We will soon announce further information regarding the composition of the whole project, as well as the work that will be carried out in the various stages.

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