Analyses in production management

Because of the complexity of production processes, the correct assessment of the quality of a production plan and its implementation is one of the most demanding activities. Good timeliness is no longer the only criterion if we want to build and, most importantly, maintain a competitive advantage.

Challenge: no unknowns

In order to maintain the advantage, we need to know the answers to many questions, including: how do we use particular production resources? Where are the bottlenecks and unused capacities? Are individual operations performed at the planned time and are they in line with the assumptions? Where are the biggest delays? What is the quality of production? And many more … Currently all the details of the process count – individually determined and analyzed KPIs, links between individual operations and employee effectiveness.

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Solution: ongoing analysis

Measure and analyze not only the production time, but also the quantity of products manufactured in a given period and all the occurring downtime. What is a recipe for high efficiency? Analyze data on a regular basis, introduce individual criteria for assessing the plan and check how the decisions made affect the functioning of the entire company. Simply – plan, do, check and improve.